Daily Resistance online

The first pile of newspapers has arrived and can be read/picked up for distribution at Café Karanfil, Mahlower Str 7 in Neukölln. If we run out of stock, grab them at the We’ll come united demo in Hamburg or get hold of your copies by sending a mail to dailyresistance@systemli.org!

The online PDF version of Daily Resistance #5 can be found here.


Below, there is a list of articles that have been already published on this blog. Subsequently, we will publish the missing articles as blog posts and update this list:

Berliner Bündnis gegen Abschiebungen nach Afghanistan: “Keine Schlupflöcher für Menschenrechtsverletzungen”

Lagermobi: “What is an Anker”

Lagermobi: “Your work is to protect us!”

Other articles in the newspaper have been printed with kind permission of the authors and initiatives:

Moving Europe: Reportage d’une tournée dans la région frontalière franco-italienne, mai 2018

Women in Exile Bustour 2018

Declaration: József Krasznai

Statement/Declaration: Qusai Mohammed Abdel Atti

Roma Center Göttingen: “Zukunft für Alle – Schule ohne Abschiebung”

Justizwatch: “Prozessbericht aus Ellwangen” / “Rapport de processur d’Ellwangen”

Katharina Schoenes (Justizwatch): Offensive gegen Sozialproteste