Tag: LAGeSo

  • protocoll #1 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin

    protocoll #1 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin

    this is the protocol of our first meeting to form a group for a “lager mobilisation” in berlin and hopefully later in brandenburg (lager = asylheim, unterkunft, notunterkunft, zeltunterkunft. unterbringung usw.). we announced this idea on the big general antiracist/antifascist-meeting last week at SO36 and around 15 heard our call – a big “thank u”…

  • „We are here because you destroyed our countries“

    We have been seeing, through the media, a rise of solidarity amongst the Germans towards refugees. There has been article after article reporting about welcome structures in different parts of the country. Different people are creating websites offering temporary accommodation to refugees, others are collecting basic clothes, food supplements and taking to the refugees camped…

  • State of emergency in Lageso in Moabit

    Hundred of refugees wait in Turmstraße (Moabit) for their permission documents to an accommodation place. The people are told to do not leave the waiting queue – they must stay there all the time, including their children. Water and food supply is low, it lacks water bottles (there is only one water tap while temperatures…

  • Common declaration against the expulsion of 100 refugees out of their shelters at short notice

    Declaration against the expulsion of 100 refugees out of their shelters onto the street by Berlin Government. The expulsion came by surprise at short notice, one day in advance. The statement is signed by various cultural institutions of the town, including one of the big state theatres, Maxim Gorki Theatre.  

  • LAGeSo schickt 85 Oranienplatz-Flüchtlinge in die Obdachlosigkeit

    Pressemitteilung vom 22.10.2014 Nichts gelernt und nichts gewollt LAGeSo schickt 85 Oranienplatz-Flüchtlinge in die Obdachlosigkeit Die Flüchtlinge vom Oranienplatz müssen erneut schmerzlich spüren, dass das „Einigungspapier Oranienplatz“ das Papier nicht wert ist auf dem es steht. Nach Informationen von TeilnehmerInnen des „Oranienplatz-Agreements“ sollen heute insgesamt 85 Menschen ihre Unterkünfte in Marienfelde, Neukölln und Friedrichshain verlassen.…