Tag: LAGeSo

  • Eviction day at #Bornitzstr102 :  the true face of “human rights”, “democracy”, “justice” and “freedom”

    Eviction day at #Bornitzstr102 : the true face of “human rights”, “democracy”, “justice” and “freedom”

    Posted originally in abriraqui Yesterday night, I went to visit my friends at #Bornitzstr102, with another friend, somehow I needed to share with someone what the last 2 weeks have been for people at the Lager. When trying to get in, yesterday, the security told me, no they cannot receive visits, they are going to…

  • Stop Deporation Demo in Berlin, 22.10.2016, 14 Uhr

    (English text below) Wir rufen für den 22. Oktober 2016 zur Demonstration auf! ABOUT: Stop Deporation – stoppt Abschiebungen nach Pakistan, stoppt Dublin-III-Abschiebungen nach Ungarn, stoppt alle Abschiebungen! START: Berlin, U-Bhf Turmstrasse, WANN: 22.10.2016, TIME: 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr Die Berliner Initiative „Stop Deportation Group“ solidarisiert sich mit pakistanischen Flüchtlingen und mit Flüchtlingen die von…

  • Press release about what’s happening at Bornitzstr. 102

    by abriraqui Are private companies, like PeWoBe establishing how to run the Lagers of asylum seekers and refugees? Who are the real decision-makers? During 7 days, in the Lager at Bornitzstr 102 run by PeWoBE, 122 refugees are trying to avoid an eviction but there is only uncertainty. No reasons were given to it but…

  • Protest infront of LaGeSo

        hallo*hello, sogenannte refugees setzen ihren streik vorm ‪#‎LAGESO‬ gegen eine versetzung ins massenlager im #flughafen-tempelhof fort. kommt zur unterstützung vorbei. the so-called refugees are continuing their strike infront of the LAGESO against being transfered to the mass ‪#‎lager‬ in #‪airport‬-‪tempelhof‬. come to suppurt the struggle. address: turmstr. 21 in berlin-moabit U9-turmstr. adresse: lageso…

  • Demo against Asylum Law Package II on Feb 16th

    deutsch unten – francais en bas – Türk – Srpskohrvatski – اردو – العربية 16th February 2016 at 6pm start at LaGeSo (Turmstraße 21, 10559 Berlin) to Bundestag In the next days the parliament will vote on a new law. This racist law is directed aggressively against refugees. They Asylum Package II includes: • “Special reception camps”…

  • Pressemitteilung: Syrische Frau wurde aus Notunterkunft in Berlin hinausgeworfen, weil sie ihre Menschrechte einforderte

      English Version Below / versión española abajo Syrian woman expelled from Berlin refugee camp for defending human rights Mujer siria expulsada de un campamento para refugiados en Berlín por exigir derechos   Syrische Frau wurde aus Notunterkunft in Berlin hinausgeworfen, weil sie ihre Menschrechte einforderte Vivian ist eine junge Frau aus Syrien. Sie ist…

  • We are humans > Protest in front of LaGeSo

    Follow on Twitter #LaGeSo The first article about protest: http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/991122.fluechtlinge-protestieren-gegen-lageso.html

  • The European Union is enforcing it’s borders (again)

    The European Union is enforcing it’s borders (again)

    Yesterday, 15.10.2015, late at night an Afgan refugee has been shot by the Bulgarian border control police, after 50 refugees tried to cross the border Sredets to Bulgaria from Turkey. Bulgarian Ministry of Internal Affairs is using an excuse that the refugees didn’t obey the orders to stop and even though they were not armed…

  • Kundgebung // Theatre // Concerts // Performances // Statements – LaGeSo

    Wednesday, 7. October, 15:00 – 20:00 Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales, Turmstraße 21, 10559 Berlin The aim is to organize a gathering in front of the LAGESO as a central place, where Refugees first arrive in Berlin, register and thereby start their existence as Refugees. For every simple thing Refugees have to visit the LAGESO.…

  • For Refugee Rights! – Protest in front of LaGeSo, October 7th | 3 PM

    Kundgebung // Theatre // Concerts // Performances // Statements October 7th | 3 PM |  ‪#‎LaGeSo‬ – Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales, Turmstraße 21, 10559 Berlin-Moabit   The aim is to organize a gathering in front of the LAGESO as a central place, where Refugees first arrive in Berlin, register and thereby start their existence…