Tag: asylrechtsverschaerfung-stoppen


    text in english Kundgebung am 8. März 2017 von 12.30 – 15.00 Uhr vor dem zentralen Erstaufnahmelager (ZAST) Poststrasse 72, Eisenhüttenstadt Wer als Geflüchtete nach Brandenburg kommt, wird zuerst nach Eisenhüttenstadt ins Erstaufnahme- lager gebracht. Hier wird entschieden, ob Du überhaupt eine Chance hast, einen Asylantrag zu stellen. Hier wird über Leben und Tod entschieden.…

  • Demo against Asylum Law Package II on Feb 16th

    deutsch unten – francais en bas – Türk – Srpskohrvatski – اردو – العربية 16th February 2016 at 6pm start at LaGeSo (Turmstraße 21, 10559 Berlin) to Bundestag In the next days the parliament will vote on a new law. This racist law is directed aggressively against refugees. They Asylum Package II includes: • “Special reception camps”…

  • No to even tighter laws! Yes to solidarity!

    credit is due to Corasol deutsch s.u. // francais en bas // shqip ja poshtë bellow 30.11 – 03.12. 2015: Daily rally between 12 noon and 2pm Marschallbrücke/Willhelmstraße (U Friedrichstraße) 04.12.2015 1.30 pm Oranienplatz: Demonstration: Against limitation of the right to asylum! For an open society! A new draft law for a renewed limitation of…

  • DEMO All refugees welcome! Against asylum law tightening! 15.10.2015, 17 h, Potsdamer Platz

    We demand for all people, regardless of which passport they possess: Freedom of movement and the right to stay! Humane lodging! Free access to education, medical care and employment! Let’s go on the streets – together, loud and angry! Against racist violence, against the government’s plan for the restriction of the right of asylum and…

  • For Refugee Rights! – Protest in front of LaGeSo, October 7th | 3 PM

    Kundgebung // Theatre // Concerts // Performances // Statements October 7th | 3 PM |  ‪#‎LaGeSo‬ – Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales, Turmstraße 21, 10559 Berlin-Moabit   The aim is to organize a gathering in front of the LAGESO as a central place, where Refugees first arrive in Berlin, register and thereby start their existence…

  • Action week against the new asylum law (10-18 april)

    Join the week of action against the restriction of the residence law between the 10th and the 18th of April! The change in law can lead to imprisonment of an increased number of refugees in detention centers and interdictions of residence that make legalisation impossible. Come and support our daily long-term protest between the 10th…