Tag: 19March-Eviction

  • Crowdfunding Kampange : Räumung der Ohlauer Schule verhindern!

    : Crowdfunding Kampange : Räumung der Ohlauer Schule verhindern! : Damit alle Bewohner_innen vor Gericht gegen die Räumung der Schule vorgehen können! : Don´t try to fool the people from the school! Liebe Freund_innen! Am 19. März sollen die Bewohner_innen die Schule in Ohlauer Schule in Berlin verlassen, sonst soll geräumt werden! Die Schule wurde…

  • Join the campaign against new eviction of ohlauer school

    – update: support the crowdfunding campaign for the court costs against district. Please join the grass root campaign against eviction of ohlauer school. The district has implemented an inhuman repression against people of the school since summer, and now they are planning their final eviction. However they can not succeed as long as we stay…

  • New eviction threat for Gerhart Hauptmann School by March, 19th

    – update: support the crowdfunding campaign for the court costs against district. On 20.2.15, employees of the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg came to the school with police to serve an eviction order. The residents were ordered to pack their things and get out until 19 March 2015. The reason given was that the District and the…